The Inpart team
Inpart Deal

September 17, 2024 Release Digest

AUTHOR: The Inpart team

Delivery time: Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 7:30 a.m. - 9 a.m. CEST.
Impact: During this maintenance window, Inpart Deal, the Outlook add-in, and the Admin Center will be briefly unavailable.

Version 3.41.1

What's new

Opportunity status update field export now available

Improve your reporting capabilities by visualizing your opportunities' latest status updates and next steps in the opportunity master list and exporting them to share with your team.

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Company first contact date

Enhance your follow-up about your partner companies with the new First contacted on field. This information is displayed on the company page Details section and activity stream, and as a column in the company lists where you can filter companies based on this date. This information is also included in the company Excel export.

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PowerBI for agreements

We're making the agreements available within the PowerBI integration to maximize all your reporting needs. No change is required in PowerBI, as the agreements added in Inpart Deal will automatically be pushed to PowerBI.

Additional fields for opportunities

Record more information on the opportunity pages for better reporting:

  • In the new Intellectual property section of the Details tab: Patent status, Patent workstream, Patent initial evaluation remark, Patent due diligence remark, Patent agreement remark, Patent integration remark, IP due diligence status, IP agreement status, and IP integration status.

  • In the Opportunity management section of the Details tab: Conclusion, Conclusion date, Upcoming catalysts, Briefing update, Key issues, Counterparties, Technologies, BD tier, BD priorities, and Anticipated up-front value.

  • In the Scientific classification section of the Asset tab: Modality, Approach, Mechanism, and Molecular target.

  • In the Pharma assessment section of the Asset tab: Dosing and Supply status.

Please contact your CSM at Inpart if you would like to enable those fields. Learn more about additional fields.

Beta mode activated on your Deal platform

The beta mode can be enabled or disabled by your CSM at Inpart to give you access to beta features, depending on your needs. Beta features are used to test and validate new features currently under development, before their official release. To know if the beta mode is activated on your platform, open the navigation bar and click your user name. (Beta) is displayed next to the platform version.

What's enhanced

Better display of the contacts' preferred names

For better visibility, the preferred name of a contact is now displayed in parentheses after the full name on the contact page and all contact lists displayed on company, opportunity, or meeting pages.

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Opportunity export button better display

Find more easily the export button on the opportunity master list with the new position on top of the list of opportunities.

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