The Inpart team
Inpart Deal

May 16, 2023 Release Digest

AUTHOR: The Inpart team

Delivery time: Tuesday, May 16, 2023, 7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. CEST.
Impact: During this maintenance window, the application will be briefly unavailable.

Version 3.8.0

What's New

Kanban Board for Opportunities

Display your opportunity pipeline as a Kanban board to better visualize your opportunities in each stage of the workflow, identify work-in-progress, and maximize efficiency.

Learn more


All texts entered in the following fields are now automatically saved, you don't have to click the Save button anymore: initiative description, opportunity summary, meeting notes, evaluation questions, and contact notes.

For the comments in opportunities or evaluation responses, a popup appears when leaving the page to warn you that you didn't save the text you entered.

Link to External Storage Places in Opportunity Attachments

You can now add links to external storage places like Microsoft Sharepoint, Google Drive, etc... in the Attachments tab of opportunities.

Creating Opportunities from Companies, Contacts, or Campaigns

We added buttons to create opportunities directly from the Opportunities tabs within companies, contacts, or campaigns to add opportunities associated with these objects more easily.

When creating opportunities from a company, a contact, or a campaign, new behaviors apply to facilitate the creation process:

  • In the first step (Select an initiative), the default initiative is pre-selected by default.

  • In the second step (Select a company), if you're creating the opportunity from a company profile, this company is pre-selected by default to be associated with the opportunity.

  • In the fourth step (Summary):

    • If you're creating the opportunity from a campaign, the following fields will be displayed: Source = Campaign and Source campaign = [name of the campaign].

    • If you're creating the opportunity from a contact profile, the contact name will be displayed.

What's Enhanced

Event Integration

  • Meeting Attachments
    On every synchronization, all the attachments from the resources of the meeting in One-on-One PartneringTM will now be imported into the Attachments section of the meeting in Inova Next Generation. It includes attachments from the Assets, Services, Marked Products and Documents sections in One-on-One PartneringTM. When creating a meeting in One-on-One PartneringTM, the company can add attachments to this meeting, those are the ones imported, not all the attachments on the company profile.

  • Meeting Attendees and Mapping of Inova Users
    We now classify meeting attendees into two categories in Inova Next Generation:

    • External: For meeting attendees from the company you met at the conference. These attendees are automatically categorized as External based on their company name.

    • Internal: For meeting attendees from your company that are Inova users or not. These attendees are automatically categorized as Internal based on their email address. For those who are Inova users, they're automatically mapped to the corresponding user profile. For those who aren't Inova users, they're displayed as Non user. If some internal attendees use an email address in One-on-One PartneringTM different from the one in Inova, you can map them together. This mapping can be done by Business Admin users in the Administration page, Integrations tab.

  • New Quick Meeting Filters
    On the conference page, you can now select Only my meetings or Only accepted meetings on top of the meeting list.

    • Only my meetings: When turned on, the meeting list only displays meeting related to the user, where the user is attendee (through user link or through internalcontact link).

    • Only accepted meetings: This filter is only available for Inova Events conferences. When turned on, it will show only the accepted meetings in the list.

  • Automatic Synchronization of Meetings
    Conferences are now automatically synchronized every day, starting two months ahead of the conference and ending one week after the conference. Business Admin users are still able to synchronize the conferences on demand, on the Administration page.

Initiatives with Organization Type

Within an Organization type initiative, you're now able to select the same company for several opportunities in this initiative. Only the name of the opportunities must differ from one another.

This new functionality is helpful for out-licensing. For instance, you can:

  • Discuss with the different geographical subsidiary companies of the same organization. In this case, select the same organization when creating the opportunity, but specify the branch in the opportunity name (ABC Pharma US, ABC Pharma Japan, etc...).

  • Discuss with the same company but for different assets/technologies, etc...


You can now add attachments directly to companies.

Initiative Access Control display in Opportunities

To make the list of authorized users easier to understand at the opportunity level, we're changing the display of the user list. At the top of the opportunity overview, you can now click View access and see the list of authorized users with their level of access. This level of access can only be updated at the initiative level.

Reason to Decline or Put On-Hold Opportunities List Values Management

All Business Admin users can now manage the values added to the field Reason when declining or putting on-hold opportunities, in the Administration page, Fields tab. From there, you can rename, merge or delete values.

Opportunity List Quick Filters

You can now select several choices at the same time in the quick filters Types, Stages, and Status applying to the opportunity lists, without the drop-down list closing after each selection.

Cloned Opportunities Traceability

We now offer better traceability of opportunities that have been copied by mentioning Clone in the Source field and the name of the original opportunity that has been cloned in Source name.

What's Fixed


We've fixed a bug where the custom message sent to the users when closing or reopening an evaluation wasn't displayed in the associated email notification anymore.

Search Bars

We fixed a bug where all the search bars, except the one in the navigation bar, were starting the search based on the first letters of your keyword if you didn't type it fast enough, preventing you from properly searching the full keyword.

Firefox Display Issues

We fixed some minor display issues occurring when using Inova Next Generation in the Firefox internet browser.

Creating Opportunities

As you can't use the Enter key to proceed through the opportunity creation process, we changed Select or hit enter to create to simply Select to create.

Email Upload

We fixed a bug where when you uploaded an email of which you're the sender, the From field was displaying a wrong default email address, instead of yours.

Contact Tab in Opportunities

We fixed a bug where the contact tab of an opportunity accessed via a company profile was empty.

Contributor Users' Access to Restricted Buttons

Contributors could click the Edit button in the company profiles, and the Access button in the meeting records, when they weren't supposed to and were receiving an access denied message when trying to perform the action. These buttons are now greyed out and unavailable to them to avoid confusion.

Local Data vs Inova Data in the Administration Page

We fixed a bug where the wrong values were displayed when opening a section and selecting the Inova Data label, in the Fields tab of the Administration page.

Event Integration Meeting Deletion

We fixed a bug where, once you added a conference, deleted it and then re-added it, the meetings imported the first time remained in Inova, but weren't automatically associated again with the conference once the conference was added again.

Error Page Display Issue

We fixed a display issue on the error pages where the loading page message was appearing on top of the error message.

Task Count

We fixed a display issue where the task count on opportunities could sometimes show a wrong number compared to the existing tasks.

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