- The Inpart team
Admin Center 1.20.0 Release
What's new
Display of Inova Classic (formerly Inova Partnering Platform) Rights
In the Reports tab, you can now visualize for each Business Profile the corresponding count of users for each module of Inova Classic (formerly Inova Partnering Platform). This will offer you a better understanding of the set of rights for each group of users.
New Filters on the Users List
You can now play with a larger range of filters in the Users tab to filter the user list.
What's enhanced
Create User Button
We've moved the Create User button within the Users tab for easier access.
What's fixed
User List Pagination
When you click on a user, the pagination now remains visible.
Role Display
The user's role related to Inova Classic (formerly Inova Partnering Platform) now properly appears in the User Details tab after refreshing the page.
Mobile Display
We've fixed some display issues for the mobile version of the Admin Center.
User's Creator
The name of the person who creates a user is now properly displayed throughout the whole Admin Center.
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