Inpart Deal

March 19, 2024 Release Digest

AUTHOR: The Inpart team

Delivery time: Tuesday, March 19, 2024, 7 a.m. - 9 a.m. CET.
Impact: During this maintenance window, Inpart Deal, the Outlook add-in, and the Admin Center will be briefly unavailable.

Version 3.29.0

What's New

Add amendments to agreements

Save and manage all the amendments impacting your contracts, within agreements. Each amendment has a title, a description, a status, and a field allowing you to record information about the amended sections of the agreement. You can also upload the amendment file to always have the exact term at hand.

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Link multiple companies to the same opportunity

Link several companies to the same opportunity in case multiple organizations are involved in the partnering activity. The list of related companies is displayed in the Overview tab of the opportunity. Conversely, the opportunity will appear in the Opportunities tab of the related company.

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Create new companies directly from the master list of companies

Create new companies on Inpart Deal without having to create and associate them with opportunities in the first place.

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Delete companies

You can now delete companies from the platform, which wasn't possible before.

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Filter opportunities based on company names

Filter opportunities based on multiple companies picked by their names.

Access two new additional fields for financial information of opportunities

You can now add Royalty rate range and Royalty value to your opportunities. These fields need to be enabled from the Deal Administration page by your CSM. Once the fields are enabled they become visible to Manager users with Business Admin rights on the Administration page and are displayed in the Financials section of the Details tab on the opportunity page:

  • The Royalty rate range indicates the percentage range of royalty rate (10%, 20%, 30%...).

  • The Royalty value indicates the absolute value of the royalty ($15 million, $25 million...).

Learn more about opportunity additional fields

Access the user Admin Center directly from Deal

Users with a Client Admin role can now access the Admin Center directly from Deal to manage users: add new users, update rights, deactivate users, etc.

Learn more about the Admin Center

What's Enhanced

Save your last view of the master list of opportunities

Instead of automatically saving in your internet cache the display changes applied to your opportunities master list, you can now save them in the custom views. This way you won't lose your display settings when changing pages or refreshing your internet cache.

Import Therapeutic Area information in opportunity import

The opportunity import now includes the field Therapeutic area, where you can list several values.

Customize the order of the Territories field values

Choose to order the Terrritories field values alphabetically or by the most frequently used countries first, to fit your standard usage. The order can be set on the Deal Administration page, Other fields tab, Territories section, by Manager users with Business Admin rights.

Find simplified information on the opportunity overview

On the opportunities Overview tab, we removed the Created on and Created by fields in the General section, as this information is already displayed in the activity stream of the opportunity.

Categorize meetings by their meeting type

We created a new Type field on the meeting page to allow you to record the kind of meeting you and your team attended. You can then use this field to filter meetings.

Sort out agreements more efficiently with improved filtering and search options

We added new filtering options to narrow down your list of agreements: Type, and Hide restricted for me.

Find URL links from Inpart Connect Campaigns in Links instead of Publications

For new Connect campaigns, all the links and publications provided with the results of a campaign will be displayed in the Links section of the Attachments tab of the opportunities, instead of the Publications section, to avoid confusion.

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