The Inpart team
Inova Classic

Due Diligence - 1.9.0 Release

AUTHOR: The Inpart team

What's new

Bulk Editor Filter Selection

Your filter selection is cached in the local storage of the browser so that you don't need to redo the filters every time you edit and save an entry.

Bulk Editor Enhancement

We added a two-column layout, text wrapping, and filter boxes.

Field Mapping

You can now map the Inova Classic (formerly Inova Partnering Platform) opportunity fields to the Due Diligence Module project (e.g. Go/No Go field). This feature is available through the new Manage PRM menu entry on the Administration page. 

Inova Classic and DDM Status Connection

You can now link the status of the Inova Classic opportunity with the status of a DDM review, so when an opportunity is closed, the DD Project is also updated (implemented as a background job running every 30 minutes).

Full Document Management

You can display the documents from Inova Classic, and add new folders to local storage for end-user document upload.

File Name and Size

We added an option to validate the name and the size of a file on the Administration page.

Email Viewer

We added an email viewer on the project details page. Emails can now be displayed on an HTML pop-up.

What's enhanced

Bulk Deletion

A due diligence manager can now delete multiple functional areas at once. The delete button is to be found on top of the functional area list and allows a multi-select of items to delete.

Expert Stats

On the project details page, an expert table is now available. It lists the experts assigned to the project and the number of areas they’re assigned to.

What's fixed

User Duplication

When a duplicate user is created (this happens if the DD Module doesn't recognize the user on the first login) an admin can now edit the user via Administration, and Manage Contacts.

Expert Search on First and Last Names

You can now search using both first and last names and permutations of the names (i.e., removed the “starts with” logic).

Filter Icon

The misalignment has been adjusted.

Expert Report Sharing

There were sporadic reports of shared reports by experts not being available to other experts, it's now fixed.

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