The Inpart team
Inpart Deal

Inova Next Generation 2.1.0 Release

AUTHOR: The Inpart team

What's New

Initiative Access Control

You can now restrict access to initiatives to a specific list of users or groups of users.

Read the dedicated article on our help center.

Evaluation Management

The Evaluation document is a shared document collaboratively filled up by users, usually cross-functional teams of experts. It's a customizable template that lists all the criteria against which the evaluators should assess the opportunity. You can update the content of the document, discuss it using comments, and ask and answer questions about it.

If you have a Manager user role, you can invite collaborators to participate in the evaluation. Go to the Activities tab of an opportunity to access the evaluations.

This new feature is available in BETA mode only. If you're interested in having a look at the feature before its official launch, please contact your Inova Customer Success Manager.

What's Enhanced

Initiative Owners

Initiatives used to have one owner and possibly multiple members. We've merged the two categories and now consider everyone as owners, but with different right levels. There's still one main owner, designated by the little blue crown icon.

  • If you have a Manager license, you can set the initiative access as public or private, and give or remove access to private initiatives.

  • If you have a Contributor license, you can only access the initiative and the opportunities contained in it, but you won't be able to edit the initiative.

Initiative Default Assignee

We've also created a notion of a Default Assignee owner. You can now select one of the initiative owners to be assigned by default to all the leads imported without an owner in the initiative, or submitted by Contributor users (who can't select an owner on their own).

Learn more on our help center

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