The Inpart team
Inpart Deal

Inova Next Generation 1.31.0 Release

AUTHOR: The Inpart team

What's New

Manage List Values and Tags

Create, edit, merge or delete the values of all the lists that you can find throughout the different fields of the application, as well as the tags of an opportunity.

You can perform this action only if you have a Business Admin role.

Read the dedicated article on our help center.

Receive Task Notifications

You can now be notified when you're assigned to a task or when one of your tasks is soon expected to reach its due date. Those notifications are activated by default. To disable these notifications, go to My Profile and click on the Notifications tab. Here you can uncheck the relevant notifications.

Note that with the recent makeover of the settings entry (when clicking on your profile on the top-right end of your screen), the notifications settings have been moved in My Profile, where it makes more sense since it’s only applicable to the user.

What's Enhanced

Attached Emails

The emails attached to an opportunity now show the email sending date.

Learn more on our help center

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