The Inpart team
Inpart Deal

Inova Next Generation 1.28.0 Release

AUTHOR: The Inpart team

What's New

Email Search

In the attachments tab of a lead, you can now search for emails in two different ways.

You can either use the search bar available in the email field of the attachment tab or apply a filter on “important” emails only by clicking the exclamation mark icon. It will display only emails marked as important.

What's Enhanced

URL Validation System

A larger array of URL formats is now supported in a company profile, in the publications tab of a lead, and while importing a lead. URLs like “http://…” or “https://…./...." are now accepted.

Opportunity Tab of Company Profiles

We've added a pagination system to the list of opportunities to make navigation easier.

What's Fixed

Tooltips Display

We've reduced the time of the tooltips display to avoid overloading your screen. 

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