The Inpart team
Inpart Deal

August 20, 2024 release digest

AUTHOR: The Inpart team

Delivery time: Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 7:30 a.m. - 9 a.m. CEST.
Impact: During this maintenance window, Inpart Deal, the Outlook add-in, and the Admin Center will be briefly unavailable.

Version 3.39.0

What's new

Lists display

  • We're making your reporting exercise less time-consuming! Quickly find the fields you need to display in the lists with the new search bar available in the Table settings. Click the gear icon at the top of the list, enter the name of the field, and enable it in a few clicks instead of browsing the whole list of available fields.

  • Display the additional fields in the lists for better information accessibility and advanced reporting. Click the gear icon at the top of the list and select the relevant fields.

  • Change the display order of the columns in the lists to fit your reporting needs. This order can be saved in custom and shared views.

Additional fields for opportunities and agreements available

Record more information on the opportunity and agreement pages for better reporting:

  • In the Opportunity Management section: Unit/Line sponsor, Capabilities alignment, Unmet need, Breakthrough vs SoC, CDA signed (forecasted date), Diligence kickoff (forecasted date), Approval in principle (forecasted date), Final management approval (forecasted date), Deal signed (forecasted date).

  • In the opportunity Financials section: Funding source.

  • In the opportunity Pharma assessment section: Modality.

  • In the agreement Details section: Material exchange details, Obligation completion date, Due diligence completion date, Due diligence lead, Light due diligence confirmed, Risk and mitigation plan reviewed, Agreement changes post due diligence reviewed, Due diligence process, Oversight plan completed.

Please contact your CSM at Inpart if you would like to enable those fields.

Notes section for companies

Add specific notes to a company page, such as a specific history with the company, some important points to note when your team talks to the company, or information related to the company landscaping and nurture exercises. 

What's enhanced

Opportunity and agreement single identifier

The single identifier of opportunities and agreements is now composed of OPP and their unique number. This identifier is displayed in the opportunity and agreement page URL. You can copy this URL via the menu at the top right of the page to easily share individual opportunities and agreements with your team.

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