Inpart Deal

April 2, 2024 Release Digest

AUTHOR: The Inpart team

Delivery time: Tuesday, April 2, 2024, 7:30 a.m. - 9 a.m. CEST.
Impact: During this maintenance window, Inpart Deal, the Outlook add-in, and the Admin Center will be briefly unavailable.

Version 3.30.0

What's New

Access and filter the meetings master list

Access the master list of all the meetings you and your team created on Deal via the new Meetings entry in the navigation bar. From there you can:

  • Create a stand-alone meeting without having to link it to a specific opportunity.

  • Choose the columns to display relevant information in the meeting list.

  • Use the search bar to find a specific meeting.

  • Apply filters to narrow down the list of meetings. These filters include the name of the company met, the status of the meeting (Scheduled, Accepted, Declined for meetings created with the Event integration), the conference where the meeting happened, the names of the attendees, the date of the meeting, and the meeting type.

  • Create custom views to apply specific filters in one click.

Learn more

Sort out companies more efficiently in the company master list with new filtering options and custom views

We added new capabilities to better filter and display information on the company master list:

  • Add new columns to display more information about the companies in the list view: Types, URL, Creation date, and Contacts.

  • Apply filters to narrow down the list of companies. These filters include Types, Countries, Last meeting date, and Creation date.

  • Create custom views to apply specific filters in one click. We added a default view called Unmet companies that helps you display the list of companies you never had a meeting with and could be interesting to engage with.

  • Use the search bar to search among the company name, type, description, and country criteria.

Learn more

What's Enhanced

Identify merged companies and contacts in their activity stream

The activity stream of companies and contacts now displays merge events to help you better track the history of companies and contacts.

Learn more about merging companies and contacts

Merge event for companies:

Merge event for contacts:

Identify related companies in the opportunities activity stream

The opportunities activity stream now displays companies that were linked to the opportunity to help you better track the relationship between the opportunity and the partner company.

Access agreements and amendments' attachments more efficiently
In the lists of agreements and amendments, we now display a Document or Link label in the Document column so that you directly know what kind of attachment format you’re opening. The name of the attached document or link will be displayed when hovering over these labels, and you can click the label to open the attachment.

Learn more about agreements

Export opportunities' summaries and links

Export the summaries and links related to your opportunities to get more detailed information for your reporting purposes.

Learn more about opportunity export

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